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Welcome to CCP

We offer a range of products to build your event structures.

Our experienced team can lead you from design to delivery with minimal effort from yourselves. We aim to help your event run smoothly.

IICON, Glastonbury Festival 2019 by Matt Smith  650.jpg


We bring a lot of experience working with filming.

From EPK’s of theatre shows to filming live music events and award shows as well as other location filming, We can provide a rock solid base for any camera. No matter the weight or lens length, ground conditions or obscure location, we can get you your ideal shot.



We supply large stages for arena shows and other types of event including festival tent decks.

No matter how big or small, whatever the finish you want, we can work with you to achieve your vision no matter the location.


Projector Towers & Covered Front of House Positions

We have a stock of sheets and roofing kit for projector towers, front of house positions and other outdoor structures that need waterproof covering.


Scenic Structures and TV Sets

We frequently work with designers to provide scaffold, sets and other scenic structures for TV, live shows and art.

Dismaland 2015 by David Levene.03 copy.jpg

Special Projects

With so much experience at both indoor and outdoor venues, we can turn our skills to any project. Please call us to discuss.